Dear Brothers and Sisters,


Please be informed the 15th Namo Buddha Retreat, 2012 will be held once again at the hills of Namo Buddha, Thrangu Tashi Yangtse Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal. The Retreat dates are schedule on 25th to 29th November 2012. The Sadhana will be Gyalwa Gyamtsho (Red Chenrezig).

Those interested to join the Retreat are advised to commence and to practice the Four Foundations practice to gain more benefits from the Retreat. Kindly contact Lama Lodro of TDSPJ or your respective resident Lama for the practice. Please be informed the monastery will also be celebrating our V V Thrangu Rinpoche’s birthday on 23rd November 2012. We, therefore, plan to depart KLIA on 20th November to join in the celebrations and return Kuala Lumpur on 2nd December 2012.

We will be making reservations with Royal Nepal Airlines for 30 seats and will announce the fare later upon confirmation of bookings and dates of departure and return. Further, the Retreat fees, as usual, is USD320.00 which will be used to cover food and lodging at Namo Buddha Monastery and travelling to and from Boudha, Kathmandu to Namo Buddha Monastery. If time and circumstances permit, we will try to organise pilgrimage to visit some of the holy sites in and around Kathmandu. The detailed programme and itinerary will be announced later to all confirmed participants before departure. The organising committee hopes that all participants who wish to join the Retreat to sign up with the organising committee. This would enable the participants to travel as one group from Malaysia to minimise inconveniences and to avoid logistics problems like visas, reservations for seats and hotel, particularly this year’s Retreat coincides with V V Thrangu Rinpoche’s birthday where accommodation both at Boudha, Kathmandu and the Monastery will be limited.

Please be informed the deadline for registration is 15th July 2012. The reservations are on a “first come first serve” basis. Those interested please give your name and contact numbers (telephone/ hand phone numbers and e-mail address) to John Leong (h/p 017-8716993; off-03 90589788; sothi88@streamyx.com). Kindly also indicate if it is your first time participating and /or intend to wear the robes (are required to shave). Those interested are required at time of indication of interest to join the Retreat to make a deposit of RM300.00 (NON REFUNDABLE) for payment towards the bookings with the airline to the following account:- Leong Khai Yan, Hong Leong Bank, Sri Petaling , Account No: 34101000709. Kindly fax your bank in slip to 03-90588566 for confirmation of reservation.

Thank you.
With Metta
John Leong Khai Yan
(Organising Chairman Namo Buddha Retreat)
TDSPJ committee

2012 元月創古快訊 Thrangu Newsletters (1/2012)

If you would like to download a copy of this newsletter, please click here.

GREETINGS from Ven. Lama Lodro and the committee members of THRANGU DHARMA SOCIETY PETALING JAYA, we wish you a very fruitful year for all your Dharma Practices.

May you and your family enjoy a very Happy,Healthy and Prosperous Chinese New Year.

Thrangu Centre rounded its year end activities last year with the Lag Gyud Tse Gyud Puja and the 1000 Peoples Dinner held during the second half of October 2011. These two big occasions were also held with our Guru,V.Ven. Thrangu Rinpoche in attendance. The 3 months before these big events were a busy period of planning and organising the events. In the thick of it, we discovered a group of very talented young members who did a marvellous job in organising the events with our Lama Lodro and the committee members guiding them along.

Both the events turned out to be very successful and attendance to the events set some kind of records and sponsors were very forthcoming. Everybody had a wonderful and happy experience in both events. V.Ven Thrangu Rinpoche expressed his happiness and gratitude to the organisers, helpers and all those who had supported and taken part in the events.

It is followed by the 14th Namo Buddha which was held at the Thrangu Tashi Yangtse Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal on 19th ‐28th Nov 2011 under the guidance of Lama Lodro Thaye. 42 participants took part in the Retreat, of which 14 were tonsured. The Sadhana for this year’s Retreat was 1000 Eyes 1000 Arms Chenrezig (Chatong ChenTong) and some of the participants undertook the Nyung Neh practice during the Retreat. The Very Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche advised the Sadhana for the 15th Namo Buddha Retreat shall be Red Chenrezig (Gyalwa Gyamtso). Those interested please register your name with the Organising Chairman Brother John Leong early in view of the increasing interest amongst the members of TDSPJ.

We are now moving into the new Dragon year and the Dragon in Chinese mythology in particular is a very auspicious symbol manifesting power, luck and long life. It was a symbol of the Royal Chinese Emperors denoting its status symbol and exclusiveness.

Thrangu Centre has embarked on a mission to raise funds for its new Monastery to be built on a piece of land at Damansara Perdana. We have produced a book to explain this project in detail to be given out to any one interested to help this auspicious project and it would be in such a wonderful timing and great blessing for giving during the period of the Dragon Chinese New Year. We hope your generosity of any amount in sponsoring this holy project will bring you great blessings and good luck for the coming New Year and the future years to come.

Meanwhile, the celebration of the Chinese New Year festival at Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya is just round the corner. It will be led by the resident Lama Lodro beginning with 5‐day Mahakala Puja from 17th January to Chinese New Year day on 23rd January 2012. For those who wish to join the Pot Luck lunch with Lama Lodro and monks, you may bring along food enough to cater for slightly more than one person to share with others (Please contact Jackie 012‐6838341 for details).

The festival celebration will culminate in Tsok offerings to Guru Rinpoche on 10th day of the last moon of Tibetan 2011 calendar (2nd February 2012) to invoke his blessings.


The Venerable Lama Lodro and the monks will perform the following pujas and prayers for the prosperity and good luck of the participants and their families: ‐

5 ‐ DAY MAHAKALA PUJA 17th January 2012 (Tue) to 21st January 2012 (Sat) 3 pm to 5 pm

Mahakala Puja every evening between 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm for five days. There is also the offering of light during this 5‐day puja. You are welcome to be present at the puja on any or all of the 5 days.Mahakala is a great Dharma Protector. He protects us from evil influence and also helps us to overcome obstacles of all kinds. This puja is performed to express our gratitude towards this Dharma Protector for his protection in the years gone by and request for his protection for the coming New Year.
NEW YEAR’S EVE PRAYER 22nd January 2012 (Sun) from 10.30 pm to 12.00 midnight

The 16 Arahat Puja (for continuing active propagation and practice of the Dharma)Prayer to the 35 Buddhas (for repentance)

Chanting of the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra (for wisdom)

Chanting of the Mahamudra (for success in Dharma practice)

Offering of light and chanting of the Eight Auspicious Prayers

Lama Lodro will give good‐luck Red Packet

NEW YEAR’S DAY on 23rd January 2012 (Mon) from 10.30 am to 12:00noon

Green Tara Puja (to invoke her blessing for success in one’s career and business)Dzambala Puja (for Wealth)

Sang Puja (for good luck and good fortune)

Fly Lungta flags

New Year blessing

Lama Lodro will give good‐luck Red Packet (For those who have not taken on New Year Eve).

Pot Luck lunch with Lama Lodro and monks

GURU RINPOCHE TSOK OFFERING on 2nd February 2012 (Thur) from 8.30 pm to 10:00pm
Guru Rinpoche Tsok Offering to invoke his blessings.

歡 慶 農 曆 新 年 2012


创古中心10 月下旬的两项大活动,即无量寿佛长寿定魄大法会和筹建创古智慧金刚寺千人 素宴,很荣幸的得到创古仁波切的主持和出席为今年的活动划下美丽的豆点。在喇嘛和理事 会的引领下,这两项大活动事前长达3 个月的筹备工作期间,我们发现一批非常有才华的年 轻成员,他们的工作表现是有目共睹的。


紧接下来11 月19 日至28 日假尼泊尔创古寺举行的的第14 届南无布达千手千眼观世音菩萨闭关业已圆满举行。它获得了42 名同修的参与,其中14 位短期剃度出家,一些同修同时持八关斋戒。尊贵的创古仁波切嘱咐来年应修童子红观世音。有兴趣的佛友们,请尽早向筹委主席梁啟恩登记,以免向隅。



新年迎春接福的活动由1 月17 日开始的《5 天大黑天金剛大法会》至1 月23 日的一系祈福法会,将由本中心住持喇嘛洛卓主持。最后将在2 月2 日〈藏历初十〉的莲花生大会供中圆满完成, 希望大家踊跃参加共度佳節。对于那些希望与喇嘛Lodro 和僧侣共进福午餐(Pot Luck)的佛友们,希望每人都能带一些食品(一人多一点的份量)跟大家分(请联络Jackie 012‐6838341 作协调)。

2012 農曆新年節目



Click here to download form

Kindly download and complete the following form and return it with a crossed cheque/bank draft/money order/postal order made payable to THRANGU DHARMA SOCIETY PETALING JAYA on or before 15th January, 2012 to the following address

Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya
29,Jalan 12/21A,
46200 Petaling Jaya。
(Tel: 03‐79588548)
Or, contact John Leong (017‐8716993 ; Jackie Chang (012‐6838341) ; Susan Wong (012‐2087818).

填妥上表後, 請把它連同注明收款人為THRANGU DHARMA SOCIETY PETALING JAYA 的划線支票或匯票於于2012 年1 月15 日前寄交本中心上述地址。

Bardo Teaching by VV Thrangu Rinpoche

Dear Dharma Brothers & Sisters,

Our VV Thrangu Rinpoche will be giving a Bardo Teaching on

Date :  Monday, 24 October 2011
Time :  8.00pm
Venue :  Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya, 29 Jalan 12/21A, 46200 Petaling Jaya

All are welcome.

For enquiries, please contact our centre 03-79588548 or Lama Lodro 012-2394666 / David Tong 012 2923616 / K M Yaw 019 3831668

With metta,

SusanWong (012 2087818)

Thrangu Dharma Society