Wesak Day Wednesday 22 May 2024
Release of Lives on 11 Feb 2023
Heal The World 2.0 – Millions Medicine Buddha Mantra Chanting
Dharma Brothers and Sisters,
Please be informed that in conjunction with the very auspicious occasion of Chokhor Duchen, where Lord Buddha gave his first teaching in Varanasi, TDSPJ will be conducting a one day Sodjong retreat and teaching on 14th July, 2021 (Wednesday). The programme for the day is enclosed.
Please be informed Very Venerable Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche will be giving live oral transmission of his ‘Concise Prayer of Medicine Buddha’ from Kathmandu on 14th July, at 10am (Malaysian time). This is in conjunction with TDSPJ aspirations to continue with the event *Heal the World* in 2018 at Namo Buddha Stupa led by V.V Kenchen Thrangu Rinpoche and V.V Tulku Damcho Rinpoche.
TDSPJ will be launching *Heal The World 2.0 – Millions Medicine Buddha Mantra Chanting* on 14th July, to 12th Dec, 2021. The detailed programme will be announced shortly.
We look forward to your participation to alleviate sufferings caused to all sentient beings during this pandemic.
With Amrita
Upcoming Events in May
Happy Wesak 2021
*Tashi Delek. Happy Wesak 2021.*
Please be informed TDSPJ will be conducting Wesak prayers on 26th May via Online by virtual participation to receive Blessings from the Triple Gems and to commemorate Buddha’s Day: His Birth, Enlightenment and Parinirvana. Its a day for all Devotees to express our gratitude for Lord Buddha’s teachings.
Let us all pray with one heart and to pray sincerely to end the global pandemic to bring peace and harmony to our family, our country and the world. May our accumulated energy beseech the blessings of the Triple Gems to fulfil our prayers.
On Wesak Day, 26th May, 2021 at 10am the programme as follows:-
*Dharma Talks by Ven Lama Lodro;
*Light Offerings;
*Bathing the Buddha ceremony;
*Auspicious Prayers
*Taking and Renewal of Vegetarian Vows;
*Dedication Prayers.
*30 Days Light Offering (12th May – 11th June);
*Puja Offering;
*Sangha Offering.
The Light Offering for 30 days is open for sponsorship at Rm100 per light, be it personal, family or business entity
Sponsorships for Puja Offering and Sangha Offering any amounts are welcome if Devotees wish to contribute to the auspicious and meritorious activities during the month of Sagadawa.
Lord Buddha taught all good deeds and contributions in Vaisakha month will be multiplied 100,000 times.
Please click on the following link for sponsorships form:
With Amrita.