Chinghai Yushu Earthquake Relief Funds

This morning 14th April 2010, we heard from the news that an earthquake struck Qinghai in China. Lodro Nyima Rinpoche and his Lamas were in Thrangu Centre Petaling Jaya.

What unfolded later was a tragedy of unprecedented proportion as Rinpoche received calls from his monks and Lamas who escaped the tragedy.

Yushu the town where Thrangu Monastery is located and Lodro Nyima Rinpoche is the Chief Abbot was badly damaged from the earthquake. At the time of writing Rinpoche got news that so far 15 bodies of monk had been pulled out of the rubble. Rinpoche also have confirmed news that his Khenpo also died from this disaster. His Lama with us also has lost his elder brother in this earthquake.

Rinpoche mentioned that the Chinese Army are already there helping the Tibetan community and they have ordered the evacuation of Yushu town. The nearby dam was also badly damaged and there is a risk that if it breaks the whole town will be swept away.

Rinpoche has expressed concern that the nomads and the residents of Yushu have gone to higher grounds and without proper clothing and Shelter they may not survive the freezing night temperature.

In the light of this extraordinary tragedy Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya with the advice and blessing of Lama Lodro Thaye the Resident monks, we are starting a donation drive called the “Qinghai Yushu Earthquake Relief Funds.”

The object of the funds collected will go towards alleviating the sufferings in Yushu in particular, and the Venerable Lodro Nyima Rinpoche will manage the utilization of the funds monies.

As a coordinating Centre, Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya will prepare a special page on our Thrangu Web site where all donations from the Public will be displayed. Receipts will be issued for all donations.

Qinghai Yushu Earthquake Relief Funds Cheque No./bank-in-slip No. :

Any amount  RM:

Name e-mail
Tel. No H/P Fax No
Postcode Town State

Kindly fill in the above form and return it with a crossed cheque/bank draft/money order made payable to THRANGU DHARMA SOCIETY PETALING JAYA and mark at the back “QYERF” to the following address

Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya

29Jalan 12/21A
46200 Petaling Jaya
Website:     email:

For details please contact,
Tel No. :  012-3234111 – Jackie Chang
Fax No. :  03-90575703 – Jackie Chang
Or, Bank in directly to our centre’s Public Bank Acc. No: 3079113905 and fax us the above form duly filled and the bank-in-note to enable us to send you a receipt.

We humbly thank you for your generosity, kindness and your help.

Yours Sincerely,

John Fam
Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya








青海玉树抗震赈灾 支票号/ 汇款单据号:

随缘解囊 RM:

姓名: 电邮
电话: 手电: 传真



Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya
29Jalan 12/21A
46200 Petaling Jaya

Tel No.   :  012-3234111 – Jackie Chang
Fax No. :  03-90575703 – Jackie Chang



主席 范新麟 敬启

3rd Malaysia Kagyu Monlam 2010 Kuala Lumpur – 13 March Update

3rd Malaysia Kagyu Monlam 2010 Kuala Lumpur

2010 年马来西亚第三届满临祈愿世界和平大法会

Latest Update : 13 March 2010
Date : 7th May 2010 to 9th May 2010
Organiser : Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya
Presiding Master : The Very Venerable Kenchen Thrangu Rinpoche
Aim : Kagyu Monlam is an auspicious event to pray for the spread of Buddhism, world peace and the well beings of all sentient beings. The International Kagyu Monlam is held annually at the sacred site of Bodhgaya, India, at the grand Stupa under the Mahabodhi tree, where Lord Buddha attained Enlightenment. 

It is His Holiness Karmapa’s wish that Kagyu Monlam shall be held in many countries to benefit more people. This will be the 3rd Kagyu Monlam to be held in the capital city of Malaysia. It is our sincere hope that more people will join in this prayers.

Devotees who are interested to learn more about Kagyu Monlam are requested to visit the website

Participants : Lay participants are encouraged to take Sodjong Vows during the event lasting for three (3) days. All participants are to observe strictly vegetarian food during this occasion. Interested persons are requested to contact us via our website.
Registration : Participants are encouraged to register directly with the organiser, or through the respective co-organisers and the following supporting Buddhist Centers,


Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya
29, Jalan 12/21A,
46200 Petaling Jaya,

Tel :
Fax :
Website :
Email :
03-7958 8548
03-7954 1402
Contact Persons:

Lama Lodro
Lim Shu Yun
John Leong
Andy Wong
Susan Wong
Yaw Kong Meng
Co-organisers :

United Karma Kagyu Federation members:

1. Karma Kagyu Dharma Society Negeri Sembilan
Contact: Mr Wong Khian Woon/Mr. Tan +6012-3926408

2. Persatuan Agama Buddha OM Ah Hum Johor Bharu
Contact: Mr. Raymond Tan +6016-7775938

3. Karma Kagyu Buddhist Society Johor Bharu
Contact: Mr. Tay Lai Huat/Mr Soh +6016-7230350

4. Karma Kagyu Society Malacca
Contact: Ms. Gladys Loh +6012-6800999 Mr. Fan Kow Jan +6019-7793598

5. Karma Kagyu Dharma Society Ipoh
Contact: Ms Chow Mun Lan +6012-5182288

6. Karma Kagyu Dharma Centre Kluang
Contact: Mr. Yong Sin Yen +6012-7791179

7. Karma Kagyu (Vajarayana) Muar
Contact: Mr. Wong Thin Mun +6019-7579768 Ms. May +606-9757422

8. Drophen Jang Chub Buddhism Followers Society Kuching
Contact: Ms. Alice Lim +6019-8876613 Mr. Ong Seng Chua +6016-8867965

9. Karma Kagyu Dharma Society Miri
Contact: Mr. Clement Goh +6019-8841001

Supporting Buddhist Centre :

10. Thrangu Dharma Retreat Centre Tambun, Ipoh
Contact: Mr. Tan Peng Seng +6012-5903525 Mr. Tham Wai Hong +6012-5129995

11. Namo Buddha Buddhist Center, Sibu
Contact: Lama Ngawang +6019-8290000

12. Yun Yang Temple, Puchong (see below)
Contact: Mr. Raymond Chui +6012-2073308 Mr. Tam Y S +6012-3780463

Venue :

Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
No. 1, Jalan Maharajalela,
50150 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: (603) 22746645.

Updates : The organiser will continue to update you on the event and the registration requirements such as fees, accommodation and etc.

Download : Please click here to download additional information, map to the venue, the 3 day programme and registration form.

2010 Chinese New Year Newsletter

Venerable Lama Lodro will perform the following pujas and prayers for the prosperity and good luck of the participants and their families: –
7 – DAY MAHAKALA PUJA – 6 February 2010 (Sat) to 12 February 2010 (Fri) – 3pm to 5pm
  Mahakala Puja every afternoon between 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm for seven days.  There is also the offering of light during this 7-day puja.  You are welcome to be present at the puja on any or all of the 7 days.
Mahakala is a great Dharma Protector.  He protects us from evil influence and also helps us to overcome obstacles of all kinds.  This puja is performed to express our gratitude towards this Dharma Protector for his protection in the years gone by and request for his protection for the coming New Year.

NEW YEAR’S EVE PRAYER – 13 February 2010 (Sat) from 10.30pm to 12.00 midnight
The 16 Arahat Puja (for continuing active propagation and practice of the Dharma)~  Prayer to the 35 Buddhas (for repentance)
~  Chanting of the Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra (for wisdom)
~  Chanting of the Mahamudra (for success in Dharma practice)
~  Offering of light and chanting of the Eight Auspicious Prayers
~  Lama Lodro will give good-luck Red Packet
NEW YEAR’S DAY – 14 February 2010 (Sun) from 10.30am to 12.00 noon
Green Tara Puja (to invoke her blessing for success in one’s career and business)
Jambhala Puja (for Wealth)Guan Gong Sangharama Puja (for Wealth and Dharma Practice Protection)

Sang Puja (for good luck and good fortune)
Fly Lungta (Wind Horse) flags (to increase life, fortune, health and wealth)
New Year blessing
Lama Lodro will give good-luck Red Packet (for those who have not taken on New Year Eve).
Pot Luck lunch with Lama Lodro

GURU RINPOCHE TSOK OFFERING – 24 February 2010 (Wed) from 8.30pm – 10.00pm
Guru Rinpoche Tsok Offering to invoke his blessings.SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT (1)
The Very Venerable Lodro Nyima Rinpoche will conduct a very special Tibetan tradition “1,000 Offerings of the 18 Arhats Grand Puja” from 5th March to 7th March 2010. This is at the instructions of the Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche who did mention that we are in the period where the earth is suffering from unnatural weather phenomena due largely to mankind. A Puja of the 1,000 offerings to 18 Arahats is to invoke its Blessings to bring mankind to realize the wonton destructions of earth due to global warming.     
A brochure will be sent out with detailed explanation of the Puja in due course.

Thrangu Dharma Society has been entrusted to organize the 3rd Malaysia Kagyu Monlam on 7th May to 9th May 2010. It will be held at the Yun Yang Temple at Puchong and presided by the Very Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche. Kagyu Monlam is an auspicious event and the main aim is to pray for the spread of Buddhism, world peace and the well being of all sentient beings.  During the ceremony, Rinpoches and Lamas will lead the participants to chant prayers and perform various religious ritual.

It is the golden opportunity to be in the presence of many masters of the Kagyu and other lineages and to receive blessing for an extended length of time.  It is the chance to perform prayers with them for the benefit of the entire world. Please visit our website for details and updates.