3-Day Amitabha And Ksitigarbha Jang Chok Puja for “Ullambana” Festival

Dear Dharma Brothers and Sisters,

Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya are pleased to inform that this year the Ullambana or Hungary Ghosts Festival falls on 13th August 2011. In accordance to tradition we will celebrate this festival by performing the Amitabha and Ksitigarbha Jang Chok Puja for three full days beginning from 11th August (Thursday) and ending on 13th August 2011.

This auspicious and important ceremony will be led by our Resident Lama – Lama Lodro. The Amitabha and Ksitigarbha Jangchok Puja is a Tantric ritual to purify the deceased and to clear obscurations and bad karma of the living.

All sponsors and devotees are encouraged to participate in this meritorious ceremony of deliverance and repentance and to accumulate merits for themselves and to purify the souls of the departed loved ones.

Sponsorship of Monk and Nun Robes

In conjunction with this festival, we are also inviting sponsorships of robes for about 700 Thrangu Monastery monks and nuns in Nepal. The sponsorship of each set of full robes is RM200.00

The “Ullambana” Festival

 This festival, known among many as the hungry ghost festival, falls on 14th day of the 7th Lunar Month. The word ‘Ullambana’ is a transliteration of the Sanskrit word meaning ‘deliverance from suffering’ and specifically refers to the salvation of anguished souls in hell.
 For us Buddhists, this festival is a time for accumulating merits for ourselves and transferring merits to our departed loved ones, relatives and friends. It is also a time especially for devoting ourselves to remembering our departed loved ones, relatives and friends by transferring merits to them for their well-being and the purification of their souls. At the same time we cultivate the virtue of filial piety and for atonement and reflection of our past negative deeds. It will also guide us to be moral, compassionate and act with loving kindness.
 Come and join this Amitabha & Tsitigarbha Jang Chok Puja at TDSPJ from 11th August to 13th August 2011 to accumulate merits and then transfer them to our departed relatives and friends. A Filial Piety Dharma Assembly will be held together with a Lamp Lighting Ceremony. The purpose of having a Filial Piety Dharma Assembly is to develop and show our gratitude to our parents, ancestors and all sentient beings, who could have been our parents in our past uncountable lifetimes, and to transfer merits to the departed ancestors, loved ones, relatives and all sentient beings in all the Buddhist realms.
 Significance of Lamp Lighting – Light is ever a symbol of knowledge and dispelling of darkness. Darkness represents ignorance, and light is a metaphor for knowledge. Therefore, lighting a lamp symbolizes the destruction, through knowledge, of all negative forces: wickedness, violence, lust, anger, envy, greed, bigotry, fear, injustice, oppression, and suffering
 By sponsoring and participating in this Puja both the living and the deceased will benefit greatly from these prayers.
 For further details on sponsorship and participation of the Ullambana Ceremony, kindly contact the Thrangu Dharma Centre.
 Amitabha & Ksitigarbha Jang Chok for “Ullambana” Festival Programme 阿弥陀佛及地藏王菩萨超度法会时间表
Advance Notice 预告
We are pleased to announce that the Very Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche will be coming to Malaysia in October 2011 to host the 1000 People Vegetarian Fund Raising Dinner for Rinpoche’s new Thrangu Vajra Vidya Monastery at Damansara Perdana.
 很高兴为佛友们预告创古仁波切将于今年 10 月莅临马来西亚为本中心新会所主持位于白沙罗的新创古金刚智慧寺1000 人素宴筹款活动以及无量寿佛长寿定魄大法会。


农历7月14日盂兰盆节恰好是阳历8月13 日,创古佛教中心将于阳历 8 月11 日〔星期四〕至13 日〔星期六〕启建一個三天的《盂兰盆阿弥陀佛及地藏王菩萨超度大法会》,以藉阿弥陀佛及地藏王的大威力來超荐亡魂。 大法会将由本中心住持喇嘛洛卓达耶主持。
与此同时,本法会诚邀佛友踊跃参与供养僧尼袈裟于尼泊尔的创古寺约700 名僧尼众。每件袈裟马币200/-。
盂 蘭 盆 超 度 法 會
 本中心诚邀善信踊跃參与 , 详情请联絡本中心查询。

14th Namo Buddha Retreat (20 – 25 November 2011)

Dear Dharma Centres, Brothers & Sisters,

Please be informed the 14th Namo Buddha Retreat will be held once again in Kathmandu, Nepal.  The dates are fixed on 20 – 25 November 2011.  The Sadhana will be Thousand Eye Thousand Arms Chenrezig. Those who are interested to join this Retreat are advised by V V Thrangu Rinpoche to do the Nyung Neh practice to achieve more benefits.  Kindly contact Lama Lodro of Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya or your respective Resident Lama for the Nyung Neh practice.

We have made reservations with Royal Nepal Airlines for 20 seats at RM1,800 (group fare bookings and subject to change) leaving on 17th November and returning 27 November 2011.  Further, the Retreat fess, as usual, is RM1,000 which will be used to cover food and lodging at Namo Buddha Monastery and travelling to and from Boudha, Kathmandu to Namo Buddha Monastery.  If time and circumstances permit, we will try to organise pilgrimage visits to some of the holy sites in and around Kathmandu.  The detail programme and itinerary will be announced later to all confirmed participants shortly before departure.  It is the fervent wish of the organising committee that all participants who wish to join the Retreat are encouraged to sign up with the organising committee so as to travel as one single group to minimise and to avoid logistics problems like visas, reservations for seats and hotel.

The reservations are on a ‘first come first serve’ basis.  Those who are interested are requested to give your name and contact numbers (telephone/mobile numbers) and email address (if available) to John Leong (mobile 017-8716993; off – 03-90589788; sothi88@streamyx.com).  THE DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION IS 15TH JULY 2011.

Kindly also indicate if it is your first time participation and/or wearing robes (if so, are required to shave).  Those interested are required at time of indication of interest to join the Retreat to make a non-refundable deposit of RM300 for payment towards the bookings with the airline to the following account :-

Leong Khai Yan, EON Bank, Sri Petaling Branch, Account No : 0671-11-000099-6  (Kindly fax your bank-in slip to 03-90588566 for confirmation of reservation.

With Metta

John Leong Khai Yan
(Organising Chairman Namo Buddha Retreat/Secretary TDSPJ)


Venue 地點: Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya
Date & Time 日期及時間: 17th May 2011 (Tue) @ 9.00 am
2011年5月17日(星期二 ) 上午九时

Dear Dharma Brothers and Sisters, Since last year the world had been strike by seemingly unending natural disasters, earthquake, flood, tsunami, hurricane, typhoon increasing in magnitude and such frequency resulting in colossal losses of human lives and properties. The earthquake off the coast of Japan on March 11, 2011 measuring 9 on the Richter scale and the tsunami that came after that had devastated the northeast of Japan, leaving many thousands dead or missing and the subsequent failure of a nuclear plant. Hundreds of thousands were left homeless or forced to evacuate from the area. The effect of nuclear leak is going to affect generations of Japanese and the world at large. There again, the war and disharmony in the Middle East ………….

At this very moment, we hope all Dharma brothers and sisters could come forward on the occasion of the thrice sacred day of Wesak and fold our hands together to pray to the Enlightened One to relieve all the sentient beings from sufferings.


Wesak refers to the full moon day of the month of Waishakha, which embraces a three fold commemoration – the day the Lord Gautama Buddha was born, the day he attained full enlightenment and the day on which he entered Mahaparinibbana.

You are cordially invited to join us in the celebration of this auspicious annual Buddhist festival. Flowers will be given free for offering to the Buddha. We will continue to provide and improve the vegetarian lunch, which is highly regarded by the Dharma brothers and sisters to reciprocate your unfailing and undivided support over the years.


We are pleased to announce that our Guru, the Very Venerable Thrangu Rinpoche will be at our Centre from 12th to 18th October 2011 to conduct the Amitayu Drupchen and the Fund Raising Vegetarian Dinner for the new Thrangu Dharma Society Monastery at Damansara Perdana. The venue, time and detailed programme shall be advised in due course.


去年至今,这世界经历了似乎无穷尽的天灾,地震,水灾,海啸, 飓风,台风以前所罕见的幅度和频率横扫大地,造成巨大的人命伤亡和财产损失。2011年3月11日发生在日本岸外规模芮氏9级的大地震和随之而来的海啸,摧毁了日本东北部海岸,留下了数万人死亡或失踪。核电厂因冷却系统故障导致辐射泄漏。数十万人无家可归或被迫撤离该地区。核泄漏将影响几代的日本人和世界。还有,中东战争和列强的争霸…… … …。





Machig Labdron – “Chod” Practice

In January 2011 Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya propose to start “Chod” practice in addition to all the regular activities that we have. “Chod” means “cutting away” and is made popular by Machig Labdron. She is an incarnation of Yeshe Tsogyal one of the consort of Guru Padmasambava. The practice of “Chod” requires the guidance of a lama for it involves meditation, correct visualization, chanting with the accompaniment of the “Chod” Drum and the Bell by the practitioner. We need a group of 10 people before Lama is prepared to start the Class.

Why practice “Chod”? According to Lama to truly practice and realize the Dharma one needs to get rid of the Demon of attachment. To sum it all we would like to quote you the teaching by Machig Labdron:- As long as there is attachment to ego, there are Demons; When there is no more attachment to ego, there are no more Demons either!

Those of you who are interested in this practice may contact the Convener of this practice John Fam at johnfam63@yahoo.com or 012-3373438.

There is a group of pilgrims that will be leaving for Kathmandu at the end of October 2010. Whoever is interested in getting a Bell or a “Chod” drum, can give John Fam an indication and he will try to get them to bring one for you.

Thrangu Dharma Society