20th Namo Buddha Retreat, 2017

Please be informed the 20th Namo Buddha Retreat, 2017 will be held at Thrangu Tashi Yangtse Monastery, Namo Buddha, Kathmandu, Nepal. The Sadhana is Thousand Arms Thousand Eyes Chenrezig Nyung Ne.
The retreat dates are fixed on 21st Nov. to 26th Nov. 2017. Please be informed further our beloved Guru, H.E Thrangu Rinpoche shall be celebrating his 85th birthday on 28th Nov. at the monastery. Hence, the organizing committee plans to stay on for the celebrations and thereafter to perform the pilgrimages to holy sites in and around Kathmandu. The detailed programme and itinerary will be announced later to all confirmed participants.
The Retreat fees is USD330 which will be used to cover food and lodging at the monastery and travelling to and from the hills of Namo Buddha.
Please be informed all participants who wish to join the Retreat are requested to sign up with the organising committee for reservations for accommodation and transport for the convenience of the participants. This would minimize inconveniences to avoid logistics issues, reservations for hotel and accommodation at the monastery guests house.
Please be informed the deadline for registration is 31st August, 2017.
Those interested kindly contact Bro John Leong (017-8716993) or Bro Richard Lau (012-2119981) and give your name, contact nos. and e-mail address. Kindly indicate if it is your first time participating and/or intend to wear robes. Those who intend to wear robes are required to be tonsured.
Please be advised to make your own reservations for air ticket to Kathmandu, Nepal as they are now many flights operating to and from KL/Kathmandu. Kindly let the organizing committee know your flight details and date/time of arrival and departure.

Cameron Retreat

Dear Dharma Brothers & Sisters,
We are planning for a short dharma teaching & fellowships on the 4,5,6 of August 2017.
1) Topic :
a) Mindfulness and Awareness.
b) Introduction to Shamanta and Vipasana meditation,
2) Objective : Dharma Teaching & Fellowships
3) Location : Cameron Highland Chinese Temple.
4) Programs :
– Arrive evening 4th/8/2017
– Teaching 5th/8/2017
– Teaching half day 6th/8/2017
The programs details & material will be provided closer to date.
5) Training Master: Lama Lodro
6) Participant : Adults only, limited to 80pax, on first come first basis.
7) Cost : RM 250 ( inclusive of 2 nights accommodation on twin sharing and vegetarian meals )
8) Transport : on your own, group travel may be arranged with additional cost.

Any queries please refer to Bro Richard Lau 012-2119981 or Bro John Leong 017-8716993

Retreat schedule as follow:

10.00 am Gather at TDSPJ
10.30 am  Depart to Cameron
4.30 pm Check-in to Apartment
4.30 pm Free & Easy
7..30 pm  - Dinner & fellowships 
       - ( sharing Cost together )
8.30 pm -Briefing 
         by Ven. Lama Lodro     

8.00 am - Breakfast
9.00 am -  Session 1
    Mindfulness - Ven. Lama Lodro
    Question & Answer
10.30am - Tea Break
11.00am - Session 2
     Awareness - Ven. Lama Lodro
     Question & Answer
12.30 noon - LUNCH
2.00 pm - Session 3 (Part 1)
    Twelve links of  interdependent 
     By Ven. Dr. Tenzin &  
           Ven. Dr. Karma Tashi 
3.30pm - Tea Break
4.00pm - Session 4 (Part 2)
    Twelve links of Interdependent 
    Question & Answer
5.00 pm Short Break
5.30pm - Session 5
     Shamatha meditation        
     technique by Ven. Lama Lodro 
     Question & Answer
7.00 pm - DINNER & Fellowship
8.30 pm - Ven. Lama Lodro Sharing
8.00 am - Breakfast
9am - Session 6
           meditation Technique 
           Question & Answer
10.30  - Tea  Break
11.00 noon - Session 7
          Sharing by participant 
12.30 noon - LUNCH
2.00 pm - Depart for Home

20th Namo Buddha Retreat – Thousand Arms Thousand Eyes Chenrezig Nyungne Retreat

We are pleased to announce this year 20th Namo Buddha Retreat will be at Thrangu Tashi Yangtze Monastery, Namo Buddha, Kathmandu, Nepal. The Sadhana is Thousand Arms Thousand Eyes Chenrezig Nyung Ne retreat. The retreat dates are 21th-26th Nov, 2017. Please be informed further H.E Thrangu Rinpoche birthday is on 28/11/17. The organising committee plans to depart for Kathmandu on 18/11/17 (Saturday) and return on 2/12/17 (Saturday). Flight arrangements will be announced later. We endeavour to block book seats for the entourage as a single united unit. This would also make planning for logistics easier. Further, it is customary that the organising committee will additionally plan pilgrimages to holy sites in and around Kathmandu.   Any queries please refer to Bro Richard Lau 012-2119981 or Bro John Leong 0178716993.

Thrangu Dharma Society