1,000 People Dinner

Kindly take note that the Namo Buddha Buddhist Society in Sibu, Sarawak is organizing a 1,000 people dinner at the Bangunan Dato Seri Lim Bock Seng, SRJKC Sungei Way Petaling Jaya on the 23rd of May 2010. The purpose is to raise funds for the Qinghai Earthquake.

We applaud their compassion but to avoid any confusion, we would like to inform the public  thatThrangu Dharma Society (Petaling Jaya) are not at all consulted or are involved in any way in the organization  of this project. The mention of Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya in their sponsorship form is misleading.

The Bank Account Stated therein are not the bank account of Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya designated for the “Qinghai Yushu Earthquake Relief Funds”.

Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya will continue to promote the Qinghai Yushu Earthquake Relief Funds which was launched since 14th of April 2010.

John Fam
Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya
28 April 2010







主席 范新麟 敬启

Thrangu Dharma Society