3rd Malaysia Kagyu Monlam – Note of Appreciation from the Organising Chairman

As the volunteers in maroon uniform walked up the stage in unison amidst spontaneous applause from the floor, I realised no word could be more heartwarming and reassuring than the hard earned recognition for the work they did all so quietly but with concerted effort. I am extremely proud of them. Yet, I must apologise; I had almost denied them of that opportunity to receive the token of appreciation from our beloved Thrangu Rinpoche, being too concerned about keeping with the scheduled timetable, a serious career sickness residing in me.  In fact there were more volunteers than what met the eyes – not less than fifty, I am sure.

It all started about thirteen months ago, when we were entrusted by the International Kagyu Monlam to undertake the 3rd Malaysia Kagyu Monlam in Kuala Lumpur. I took up the challenge and became the Organising Chairman without even having the chance to consult Lama Chodrak, the CEO for International Kagyu Monlam.  Most of our getting-to-know-each-other was via e-mail. Despite my lack of good health at that point in time, I was urged on by our resident monk Lama Lodro and the TDSPJ President John Fam.

I had the pleasure to talk to many people who had given me much precious advice, among them the previous organisers from KKDS Negeri Sembilan and KKBS Johor Bharu and many others who had attended the previous Kagyu Monlam. I had also approached the ex-committee members of TDSPJ and many other people to lend their hands, in view of the possibility that His Holiness the Karmapa might accept our invitation to grace the event. That opportunity to host His Holiness did not materialise.

We convened on the average one meeting per month, not that many at the start but more frequently as we got closer to the occasion. I am glad that the TDSPJ CEO Lama Lodro and all the subcommittee group leaders attended all the meetings with very few absentees.   I have to admit this was the most difficult and challenging project I had ever handled. The uncertainties that bothered us right from the beginning prevailed until even a day before the Monlam. We had to be contented with some wild guesstimates.

Somehow, we found that they differed only slightly from the actual happenings, thanks to the blessings of the Triple Gem. The lodging problem was half solved when Chris Lim, a perpetual grand sponsor of Dharma activities, came forward to offer free accommodation at the Hotel Summer View for the Sangha members. I wish her all the best in her future undertakings.

My greatest worry was the proceeds, fearing we could run into deficit and incur losses for our centre.  The Venerable Lama Lodro was adamant that the Kagyu Monlam must be a success at all costs. Nevertheless, my worry was unfounded. I am truly regretful for casting even the slightest doubt over His Holiness the Karmapa’s promise to give His blessings to all the International Kagyu Monlam events.

I am grateful that I was not the busiest person and able to oversee things during the Kagyu Monlam, simply because all the group leaders were able to act on their own. They clearly knew their roles, functions and responsibilities and carried out their duties gracefully with assistance from volunteers. I notice some of these volunteers continue to forge lasting bonds among them even till today.

On the other hand, had I designated one person as the floor manager, I would not have had to liaise so often with Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (CAH) concerning trivial matters, such as dealing with the technician and security guards in the operating of the air conditioning system, opening and shutting of the rear gate and maintenance of toilet cleanliness, etc. I certainly have more to learn.

We hope we have set a good bench mark for future organisers of Malaysia Kagyu Monlam. A few highlights worthy of mention are,
•      Minor hiccup in transport did not affect the orderly putting up and demobilization of the stage and floor decoration;
•      Overwhelming attendance – counted 86 Sangha members and close to 600 pax overall attendance on the last day;
•      Highest number of Sodjong retreatants;
•      Salute to the registration team that kept updating me on the status of registration and sponsorship in real time;
•      Highly appreciated vegetarian food catering (offered free for three days by Brother Lau);
•      Remarkable kitchen management in the face of practically no kitchen facility in CAH;
•      Biggest number of lamp offerings, exceeding the capacity of the two swastikas;
•      Managed the largest logistics for transport;
•      Commended for coming up with the most orderly check-in and check-out procedures for Sangha members at the hotel;
•      Highest quantum of total collection, including Puja, Qinghai Earthquake Relief Funds, New Centre Building Funds;
•      Thanks to various supporting centres for lending us thrones, tables, chairs, cover, cushions etc;

May I take this opportunity to thank the V. V. Thrangu Rinpoche and his entourage, our resident monk – Lama Lodro, Lama Chodrak and all the Sangha members for making this event an occasion to remember for many years to come.

May the blessings of the Triple Gem be with all those who participated in the aspiration prayers for world peace and all those lay persons who contributed in cash and kind to make this a very successful event.  I must also thank the various contact persons who assisted in the registration of participants.

We like to thank John Fam and Richard Lau for capturing and editing the highlights of the event in video and photograph respectively. To view the 3rd Kagyu Monlam photographs, please click here.

I wish to take this opportunity to apologise to the people whom I might have offended inadvertently in the course of carrying out my duties.

With Metta,
Lim Shu Yun
For and on behalf of
The Organising Committee
Thrangu Dharma Society Petaling Jaya

Thrangu Dharma Society