Nyungye Retreat 10-12 June 2022

Dharma Brothers and Sisters.

In conjunction with Saga Dawa month, TDSPJ is pleased to organise 3 days Nyungye Retreat jointly with Karma Kagyu Dharma Society, Seremban. The retreat dates are on 10th-12th June, at Seremban Centre. The retreat will be conducted by Ven Lama Lodro.

The retreat is limited to 100 participants on a “First come first served basis”. The retreat fees is RM150 per person.

All participants are required to check in at Seremban Centre on the night of 9th June, by 8pm.

Participants are required to remain and stay at the centre for the duration of the retreat.

The deadline for registration is 3rd June, 5pm. Click the form below for registration.


Thrangu Dharma Society