Qing Ming Amitabha Jangchog Prayer

Qing Ming is the time of the year to remember and to honour our Ancestors. People are encouraged to practice filial piety and to repay the kindness and sacrifices of our ancestors.

Buddhists are encouraged to perform activities and prayers to help in the purification and liberation of our departed loved ones. It is through our practice of Supplication, Offerings and Confessions to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas that we assist our ancestors to show them the path to Enlightenment.

In helping our departed loved ones, we achieve for ourselves the ability to accumulate merits and virtues.

During this time, it is important to practice positive actions and positive thoughts to dedicate to our ancestors. Hence, we must avoid all negative actions and thoughts which will result in negative karma for our ancestors.

The proper Buddhist practice and ritual is to spread Dharma to the Deceased, to Supplicate and make Offerings to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to request for blessings to help our ancestors to be liberated as soon as possible.

Hence, the words “Qing Ming” are very profound indeed. Directly translated, it means Clear and Bright or Pure and Bright.

Please take the opportunity to join our Qing Ming is the time of the year to remember and to honour our Ancestors. People are encouraged to practice filial piety and to repay the kindness and sacrifices of our ancestors.

Buddhists are encouraged to perform activities and prayers to help in the purification and liberation of our departed loved ones. It is through our practice of Supplication, Offerings and Confessions to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas that we assist our ancestors to show them the path to Enlightenment.

In helping our departed loved ones, we achieve for ourselves the ability to accumulate merits and virtues.

During this time, it is important to practice positive actions and positive thoughts to dedicate to our ancestors. Hence, we must avoid all negative actions and thoughts which will result in negative karma for our ancestors.

The proper Buddhist practice and ritual is to spread Dharma to the Deceased, to Supplicate and make Offerings to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to request for blessings to help our ancestors to be liberated as soon as possible.

Hence, the words “Qing Ming” are very profound indeed. Directly translated, it means Clear and Bright or Pure and Bright.

Please take the opportunity to join our Jangchog Prayers. Jangchog Prayers.

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With Amrita.

Thrangu Dharma Society