16th Namo Buddha Retreat (30 Nov to 4 Dec 2013)

Please be informed the 16th Namo Buddha Retreat 2013 will be held at Namo Buddha, Kathmandu, Nepal AND NOT Varanasi, India as announced earlier. The Retreat dates are fixed on 30th November to 4th December 2013. The Sadhana will be Amitabha.

We are making reservations with Malaysian Airlines for 20 seats and will announce the fare later upon confirmation of booking. We shall be departing KLIA on 28th November 2013 and returning on 8th December 2013. The Retreat fees is USD330.00 which will be used to cover food and lodging at the Monastery and travelling to and from the hills of Namo Buddha. We will be going for pilgrimage at Yari Nak, a holy place of Guru Rinpoche near Namo Buddha. The detailed programme and itinerary will be announced later to all confirmed participants.

Please be informed all participants who wish to join the Retreat are requested to sign up with the organising committee AND NOT go on your own and later to discover we did not make any reservations for accommodation etc etc. This would also enable all participants to travel as one group from Malaysia and to minimise inconveniences to avoid logistics problems like visas, reservations for hotel and accommodation at the monastery guest house.

Please be informed the deadline for registration is 15th August, 2013.

The reservations are on a “first come first serve” basis. Those interested please give your name, contact numbers and e-mail address to John Leong (h/p 017-8716993; off-03 90589788; sothi88@streamyx.com Kindly also indicate if it is your first time participating and/or intend to wear the robes (Those who intend to wear robes are required to shave).Kindly make a deposit of RM300.00 (NON REFUNDABLE) for payment towards the bookings with the travel agency to the following account:-

Leong Khai Yan

Hong Leong Bank, Sri Petaling

Account No: 34101000709

(Kindly fax your bank in slip to 03-90588566 or call my hand phone to confirm bank in money and reservation)

Thank you and with Metta

John Leong Khai Yan

(Organising Chairman Namo Buddha Retreat)

TDSPJ committee





Thrangu Dharma Society